Alas, none in FL either. At least in my previous home state (KY) we elected 1 that wasn't afraid to join the fray, even as the more powerful one stepped on the gas. I keep hoping better candidates will emerge.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Geoff Biddulph

Geoff…I have a friend that served his mission with “Mittens”…He stated that Romney was a Massachusetts Liberal even then……. Mitt is in it only for Mitt and his family…somehow Mitt is getting rich off this war…..

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Interesting topic. So what is it that we can do as individuals? I wrote to president Putin about all of us being a child of God and being accountable for our actions. Unfortunately I don’t believe it went through.

What can missionaries do of all ages do to tempt to soften the hearts of those in charge of put the war in place?

Can love for them change their behavior? Is their mind able to change or are they lacking in the ability to comprehend what love is?

Love to hear your thoughts.

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